Sunday, January 28, 2007

Farm News 02-28-07

Sunday afternoon, after remembering it was Sunday

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Thursday evening I stepped out and looked at the moon. Sure enough, the terminator appeared to be a straight line across the moon: First Quarter. If things go as they have for all of recorded history up to this point, the moon will continue to rise 50 minutes later each night, and each night it will become more and more round, more gibbous, until finally it rises at sunset on Friday, Groundhog Day, when it will be full.
The Exploratorium, in San Francisco, is a very interesting place. They have a web page that allows you to find the size of the solar system according to different scales. Give it a try here. There is an interesting demonstration of the size of the solar system here, also. Both of the preceding links, and many others, can be found here.


Weasel is our new dog, a companion for Tessie. Weasel looks like a black Labrador with Dachshund legs. She is about ten years old, agile but lazy, and has no interest in going out on the road or going into the house. She has fixed up a corner for herself in the barn and is quite happy with her new life. Weasel has always been a farm dog, and this farm is just to her liking. She and Tessie have accepted each other and all is quiet and content in the barn.


The first Farm News went out 10/24/04, and I have sent it out every week since, with only one or two omissions. This week I completely forgot about it until Sunday afternoon. Oh, well, such are the joys of aging. Here it is, such as it is.


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