Sunday, January 07, 2007

Farm News 01-07-07

 Sunday morning, after chores

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Monday evening the clouds began to clear, the temperature dropped, and the waxing gibbous moon was clearly visible in the east. Monday I could see the moon and sun at the same time in the evening, the sun low in the west and the moon low in the east. That meant that the moon, which rises 50 minutes later each day, would rise just at sunset on Wednesday, which I was able to confirm that it did. That was a full moon, the time when the moon changes from a waxing gibbous moon to a waning gibbous moon. (Gibbous is a great word, the beginning is pronounced jib, not gib.)

The word terminator can refer to any number of things, including the line that separates the dark part of the moon from the bright part of the moon. If you look at the moon with binoculars or a small telescope, the terminator is usually the most interesting area. That is where the shadows are long and you can see the mountains and craters, one side bright and the other dark.


That's all there is to Farm News this week. Some nasty bug has taken up residence in me and is interfering with my activities.


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